Yes! whenever bicycles are broken, or menaced by international communism, Bicycle Repair Man is ready!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

In and Out like a Supercycle Storm

A while back my brother bought a 15-speed Supercycle from the thrift store for $15.  He didn't ride it much, so it wound up in my care.  I swapped out the 6-speed freewheel for a 5, straightened it out, and sent it on its way for $40.

Other accomplishments: built up the Innova with mostly-used parts; grand total $200.  Finished off the dropouts for the Chariot - had to start again as there were too many weird problems with trying to copy the original design.  Went with an "all new" design inspired by the modern Chariot joggers, and lo it works again.

The current build is a 3-speed CCM Elan.  I've rebuilt the wheels with 700c rims, for superior braking and tire choices.  Going to try to lace up the rear wheel tonight, but the only 700c rim I have left is warped so it might not work out.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

They cometh, and they goeth away

I got an old Giant Innova for $30 the other day. It's got 700c wheels and a lightweight cromoly frame - it will become a commuter for a co-worker (to replace his "iron-side" hybrid that weighs more than him)

Sold the 5-speed Raleigh, and the Fiori, in a flurry of activity today. I'm glad to see the Fiori go, even though it was a nice bike and a decent conversation piece.

I am negotiating another trade deal - a comfortable hybrid/MTB for a Gardin racer. Hope it works out for all involved; my offerings are either a built-up complete bike using the Sasquatch frame, or the readymade Kuwahara my sister-in-law-to-be-probably was riding. She's gone back to Australia (with my brother-in-law-for-real), and doesn't need the bike any more.

Also on the go right now - rigging new dropouts for an old Chariot trailer. It's more difficult than first expected! More on that later, once it's done...